My last post was mid-June, before the Summer Solstice; and now, here we are on September 1st, Labor Day, and the summer is now unofficially (officially?) over.
I started off the summer with two big changes: a new apartment and a new gig. Both have served me well over the past three months and have helped propel me towards even more positive changes.
Sometimes serendipity stumbles upon an ordinary situation and straight smacks me in the face with opportunity. That’s essentially what has happened since June and mid-July. 2014 started off with great positive light and has continued to surprise me with good fortune. I continue to stay grateful and appreciative for all that has come my way.
My social media expertise has been in more demand these days and I find myself drifting a bit from writing long form: tweets are my forte now and I tend to run from my blogging duties as you have well noticed.
While I have made promises in the past regarding a regular blogging schedule here, this time I will just simply say that I will blog as often as I can, but I cannot adhere to a schedule at this time. Sounds like a cop-out, but I find that when I make a public promise about my blogging schedule, I don’t follow through and end up disappointing myself. I’d rather this time, if I do become inspired to blog on a regular basis, that that’ll happen as a happy accident rather than something that I force myself to adhere to.
Anyway, this post was quite a rambling one, so I will just leave the post at that. Change is the only constant in life and I am excited to see where life takes me next. Stay tuned for a possible post on Wednesday (theme unknown at this point!).