NaNoWriMo project Work Diaries

A New Cycle & NaNoWriMo Thoughts

It’s always about cycles; once I get used to a routine, something else changes it up. I think this weekend I’ve finally gotten the hang of my recent schedule:

Since I’ve received unexpectedly good attention for client stories, I’ve been keeping busy with writing short stories up to 2,000 words. These stories are essentially me being a ghostwriter, so in the end I don’t get credit for writing them (other than the bit of cash I receive from the gig). It’s okay; it’s been fun learning about new topics I wouldn’t have ever thought to write about in my own work.

Since the past few Sundays have been errands days, the rest of the week I decided to be more proactive and finish all my projects/assignments by today. Success! Amazing what a little deadline does to me. It’s probably a common feeling, but I find that just having a deadline/plan later in the day forces me to focus on my work earlier in the day. It’s better than floundering around all day and not seeing an “end” to the project.

Blogs have fired up for NaNoWriMo preparation; I remember how last year I wasn’t able to complete my novel. Then again, there was a lot on my plate last November–my mind wasn’t completely on writing. I wonder if this year will be different. I’m still against too much preparation for the project, though; in terms of writing, I just like to go with the flow rather than plan too much.

Earlier this week, I was chatting with a friend about how I’d like to get back to my own writing after I complete my client projects. Although it’s nice to earn money writing for others, I find the most joy in writing from writing for myself. That’s how everything should be in terms of career, right?