My San Francisco Chronicles weather

Every other day weather.

Weather is a rather boring topic, but it’s something we notice daily anyway. This week’s weather in San Francisco has been rather amusing. Monday, it was nice and sunny with a breeze in the air. Tuesday, there was rain and gloom. Wednesday seemed just as nice and sunny as Monday was. Thursday was rainy, windy, cold. And now today, Friday, it is partly cloudy but the skies look happy. No sight of rain today!

I think this is the first time I have noticed the weather to do this. Last week the weather was pretty consistent with staying gloomy and rainy. The week before was very consistent with sunny yet cold days.

Most people have the misconception that it is always sunny and warm in all of California. I guess they don’t realize that there’s a rainy season here, too. I have heard some native San Franciscans say that it’s rather usual for the city to have downpours during this time of the year, but apparently in the past few years there have been rather dry winters. Hmm. It’s interesting–I find I have pretty much become acclimated to the weather/temperature here, and now the definition of “cold” here to me is 40-50 degrees. Meanwhile, I know I have experienced much colder temperatures, but I feel like I have forgotten how that feels like now.

Anyway, sorry for a lacklustre Friday post. Have fallen behind on current events lately, so I shall need to catch up over the weekend.

Birthday Memories life

Birthday After-Thoughts.

It’s funny how life turns out, even after a few days. People you thought who were lost causes long ago come back around, and then people you would have expected to remember your special day end up forgetting. Life has been strange yet entertaining. I never want this feeling to end.

Now, onward to another year in life.

Who I Am


Since the beginning of this month, I feel like my love for reading and writing has been reawakened from within me. I used to do a lot of this when I was younger, but somehow these talents were put on the back-burner throughout high school and college. Probably because throughout high school and college, I was writing papers for classes and reading textbooks; I probably felt like I had “no time” to do any leisure reading or writing.

It feels nice to be back in the game though–I feel like both activities have helped me feel more inspired these days.

Marketing Interests

Wendy’s new ad campaign.

Just read over this at NY Times’ “TV Decoder” Blog about the new advertising campaign that Wendy’s is coming out with next week. I bet for those who are in the US would recognise the more recent Wendy’s ads–the ones where there are men wearing the bright red Wendy’s wigs and people are cheering madly for them.

One in particular that comes to my mind is the one where all this old footage of women with men’s faces pasted over them screaming, yelling fanatically–in the end, we all find out that the people were all fanatic over the Baconator sign and a guy wearing the Wendy’s wig one of the sandwiches. Look below:

To be honest, I never saw the appeal in these commercials, but after reading the TV Decoder blog entry, it makes sense: this campaign was aimed more towards the male demographic. Seems that the company decided that the campaign was alienating other demographics. Now they’re turning to another campaign where their tagline is “It’s waaay better than fast food, it’s Wendy’s.” I watched a few of the clips on the TV Decoder page, and the ads seem a lot different from the previous campaign–I can’t tell whether that’s good or bad. These ads hit the emotions in a different way–a little more information is reiterated, and the Wendy’s logo is now animated. I wonder how this approach will affect restaurant sales.

My opinion on the new campaign: After watching the commercials through once, they seem a little bland. Maybe it’s because I’m comparing these new commercials with the previous campaign. Still, I feel like with this new approach that the commercials may sink into the background with other commercials of similar nature–nothing about the commercials really stand out to me.

Marketing Interests

You & Us

Here’s another commercial with great piano music in the background. The Lexus Hybrids commercial reminded me of the UBS commercials with the piano in the background. I was talking about the Lexus Hybrids commercial with my friend last night, and she said that the way the music is composed draws people in. It’s so calm, yet in some way rather haunting, adding some suspense into the air.

I remember watching this UBS commercial on CNN last year and every time it played I would stop what I was doing and watch the commercial.