The ball has dropped in New York City for 2014, but I still have a little time left here in Denver to reflect upon 2013.
It’s been a crazy year for sure, both in good and bad ways. 2013 was the year I showed my Twitter prowess through winning conference passes and owning conference hashtags (see #launch2013 #incleadership #sxswv2v). This was also the year I realized that I didn’t want to do TAOpivot anymore. Some career turmoil throughout the summer plus another car accident….aiya >_< Then, the rise of Ms. Kwong’s Baked Goods and my transcription business.
Every year serves as a roller coaster ride for me; however, 2013 felt like the year where I realized my stage in life. I understood that I was no longer a flippant 20something (early 20s); I was well on my way towards a more stable time in my life. My group of friends changed (as it always does); I noticed that the age and demographics of my friendships skewed towards my age or older.
I became more aware of my finances and the negative self-talk I told myself; really focused on more overall self-care and creating a fitness/health plan based on what was best for me. Granted, the July accident threw a lot of my schedule out of whack for most of August to October; however, I am thankful for all the work I’ve had done with my chiropractor, cognitive therapist, physical therapist, and so forth.
2014 is already going to be a great year; I feel it in my bones.