I love learning about new things: it’s always been one of my passions to keep learning about different topics in the world. Whenever I come across an unfamiliar word, I look it up immediately; whenever I come across a topic that intrigues me, I do my research on that topic.
My dad has said to me over the past couple of years how we should never stop learning: ever since his retirement in 2012, he and my mother have stayed sharp with learning new games to play and new skills. It’s so true though: if we ever lose our curiosity in this life, we lose the flavor of life.
This past weekend, I went to a painting class with my friend. In the class, we learned how to paint a “cozy cafe” scene and the instructor taught us a technique to make the paint look like it was dripping down the canvas. I had painted as a hobby before, but learning this little technique re-inspired me to want to learn more techniques to strengthen my painting hobby.

Another hobby I have been improving my skills upon is crocheting: thanks to Youtube and friends who are crochet masters, I have learned many new stitches to incorporate into my projects. Recently, I learned about the half-double crochet stitch and made a hat with mostly half-double crochet stitches. Tomorrow, I will learn how to use a quick-knit loom to knit a scarf; the many learning opportunities are endless for me.
I hope that when I am my parents’ age, I will still be as curious as I am today.