
Daily Post Day 12: One hour to live

Thank goodness the folks at The Daily Post had a bonus prompt for today; I wasn’t in the mood to disclose a secret.

If I only had one hour to live…

…in an ideal world, I would have all my loved ones nearby. We’d have a grand feast before my departure, and there would be pictures galore.

Rather simple, but with only 60 minutes left in my life, that’s all I need: love.

Who I Am

Daily Post Day 11: I want to be remembered for…

(Wow, already 11 days into 2011….it’s that “magical” day of the year, out of several!)

Today’s prompt asks what I want to be remembered for.

Back in late September/early October, I helped one of my close friends do a project for her graduate studies. She asked me to picture my own funeral, and, well, it was certainly a cathartic moment for me.

This was one of the questions asked during her project: “What do you want others to say about you at your funeral?”

So it goes along the same lines of this prompt.

I want to be remembered for my kindness/selflessness/carefree outlook. Over the course of my young life, I’ve heard others say that they feel drawn to me for some energy that I emanate; even perfect strangers approach me to ask for directions here in SF because they say “you seem like a kind person”.

It’s a good thing to be remembered for, to shine forth unintentionally in many ways.

family weather

Daily Post Day 10: Snow Day Entertainment

If you asked me this question any other year, I would tell you, “I don’t quite remember snow days anymore.” This year will be the fourth (and final) year of residing in San Francisco. As most people should know, it doesn’t snow out here. Instead, we battle rain and fog along with crisp and clear sunny days.

But last month I was back on the East Coast and saw snow after being away from the climate for quite some time. It was peaceful to look at, and, since I was technically on vacation, I could enjoy my snow days without guilt.

While snowed in, I:

– read from my Kindle

– knitted while watching Kung Fu Panda

– ran on the treadmill

– spent quality time with my family

Not so shabby for snow days.

OWOP plug

Daily Post Day 9: Recent AHA! Moment (OWOP)

Montana sunshine

A recent AHA! moment for me was when I was contemplating what to do with my then-new Posterous account. I had already joined Tumblr and decided on a theme there, but what to do with Posterous? I didn’t want to get bogged down with too many personal/miscellaneous blogs…

I was lying awake in bed and then I thought of One Word, One Picture: OWOP! But at that point I didn’t want to make it public since I wasn’t sure if this was an idea I wanted to keep up with.

I let it incubate for about a week. And then I realized 2011 was on the near horizon. Oh shoot, must start promoting OWOP!

Hence, the reason why I was blasting out announcements all across my social media accounts. Am still welcoming new participants! Project is good for now, but looks like it’s just me and Jose for the time being. Genie will be back, though.

Feel free to join in if you haven’t already!

Work Diaries Work in Progress

Daily Post Day 8: How I Stay Focused

(Ah-ha! Caught up now! I actually quite like these prompts from The Daily Post. At least they get me writing!)

I stay focused on tasks at hand (e.g., freelance writing, web design, writing letters, etc.) by removing myself from distractions (such as my laptop….). Usually, when I am drafting stories for my writing gigs, I take my AlphaSmart NEO to the dinner table and draft my story that way. If I sat at the computer doing that, I’d become too distracted with Twitter, email, etc. That’s the main reason why I bought the NEO in the first place — less distraction!

Now, when it comes to website editing, I close down all my Internet tabs (that are distracting) and set myself a time limit on web work. I can only stare so long at the computer screen after all…

With non-technological tasks, I just make sure I have some relaxing music playing in the background and I can focus pretty well on whatever I’m doing.

Since I’m on the topic of focus…today I finally had the chance to draft a new story series outline for my writing client. Thank goodness for my family and their movie suggestions! Have yet to crack open my novels-in-progress for writing, but 10K days are coming up. Also, shall have some write-ins soon. Must coordinate schedules!