My San Francisco Chronicles NaNoWriMo Work in Progress

NaNoWriMo: Day 3 & Giants Parade

Let me just start off by saying: I am not a baseball fan. In general, I am not interested in spectator sports. Therefore, I never jumped onto the bandwagon when the San Francisco Giants got into the World Series and then won it all. I don’t even know who the players are. And really, I don’t want to act like I’m a “true fan” when it’s not what I’m really passionate about.

With that being said, today was the day of the Giants Victory Parade. Market Street was packed, and too many people were downtown. I briefly visited my previous employer to just say hello to a few students and staff members, and then I was on my way to my old neighborhood: North Beach.

There was supposed to be a write-in today with other NaNo-ers, but nobody showed up. Still, once I entered into the cafe, I was hit with a ton of nostalgia. I sat there click-clacking on my AlphaSmart; attempted to do some creativity exercises from a new book I bought, but I forgot to bring notebook paper. Next time!

Word count today has been less than the previous two days, but nonetheless I am still ahead of schedule. Currently at 6,022 total words. Tomorrow is another day!