Internet life

Daily Post Day 38: Life Without the Internet

I wonder if any of us (who’ve grown up with the Internet) could live without it.

Ask me if I could live without the Internet.


Yes and no (I tend to answer this way a lot).

YES, I can live without the Internet because it distracts me to no end to get things done both on/off the computer. If I didn’t have Internet, I would certainly accomplish more tasks and stuff-I-want-to-do than aimlessly surfing the web for random tidbits.

NO, I can’t live without the Internet…for the fact that it keeps me connected to many people who are not physically close by. Text messaging/SMS has become more prevalent in US culture in the past ten years, but I’d rather not be charged money for an international text if I can just easily message a friend online.

Then again, I wonder….if we didn’t have the Internet, would I still even remember some people from my past?


Daily Post Day 36: Life in New York

Drizzly, cold rain.

Earlier I took a stroll through Union Square to check out the Green Market. I’ve been here in New York for the past week, and so far the week has been an eye-opener on what I enjoy and what I don’t enjoy.

Yes, I left San Francisco. And even though I feel sadness for leaving my loved ones and friends there, I had to leave.

Being back on my home coast feels comforting. I also got myself registered for a Gotham Writer’s Workshop (1-day Intensive) at the end of the month. I’ll study Food Writing; exciting! Perhaps that’s my calling, at least in the nonfiction realm.

Well, back to the family for now.


Daily Post Day 28: To Live Forever, or not?

I’m sure everyone thinks about this question a lot (Do you want to live forever?)

Without thinking, I would say “YES!” But, knowing how I work, I would end up over-thinking this question and realizing, “Oh no, I wouldn’t want to live forever.”

Think about it this way: If I were the ONLY person in the world to live forever (as a human, on this Earth), I wouldn’t want to be seeing generations of my loved ones passing away. That would be sad to see, although at the same time it’d be a glorious thing (to be able to meet so many of my descendants).

If EVERYONE were to live forever as humans on this Earth, that would be a different situation, and that would elicit a different response from me.

Then again, in my religion, we all DO live forever…at least our souls do. WHERE we live forever is a whole other question.


Daily Post Day 25: An Ideal Sunday

(No, an ideal Sunday does not involve a pet snake)

Sundays to me remind me of sunny, relaxing days, no matter the season. A day for the rest of the world to rest, but my parents never got to rest on Sundays. Sundays were their busiest days at our family restaurant.

To me, an ideal Sunday would be just like any other day of rest: lots of time spent reading, catching up on everything else that I fell behind on during the week, and just relishing the time with my loved ones. Lazy Sunday, but also productive.


Daily Post Day 22: Hear the Truth or No?

Sunny day at Ocean Beach

Is it always better to know the truth, even when it hurts? Or is ignorance bliss? Or are they both true some of the time?

Throughout my life, I have always told others, “Tell me the truth. I’d rather you tell me something true and hurtful than hide it from me.”

Sometimes, ignorance felt like bliss, but then I’d have the thoughts gnawing away at my mind and I’m wondering if it’d be better to just confront rather than just play along blindly.

I’ve had friends tell me, “I’d rather not tell you the truth right now because you know it’ll hurt.” I grapple with this response because, even though I know I’d feel hurt, I would also feel relief from knowing the truth right away.