death driving life Life Decisions

Stop; think.

Say you’re speeding along on a road, skipping a few stop signs here and there because you’re late for some sort of appointment/party/meet-up/etc. You’re racing the clock and you can’t be bothered with paying attention to traffic rules.

Say you’re a pedestrian walking along in your neighborhood, observing all the stop signs and making sure the coast is clear.

Suddenly, a car comes zooming out of nowhere and the driver neglects to stop for you.

You are the driver. You see the pedestrian one second too late.

The pedestrian is suddenly on top of your hood. And the pedestrian is no more.

Now, you think to yourself “Did I really need to be in a hurry to get to wherever I was going?”

Was it all worth killing someone over? Running over an innocent pedestrian?

Think about it next time you get into your car.

Life Decisions

Turning off upon two paths:

As cliche as it may sound, let’s say you have two paths to choose from along the way.

One road is one that you’re very familiar with, one that you’ve traveled many many times and just know it all too well. Have it down in a routine, nothing really shakes it up: life is life, and it can be quite predictable.

The other road, however, causes fear within you, yet it also seems enticing. Risky, but what are the rewards? The rewards are much richer than what you would get if you chose the easy way.

Of course, there are consequences with either roads, as with any other choice in life. But which one would you rather take for the sake of the other?

In one hand, you hold something safe; in the other, you hold something that could potentially be dangerous, but seems to yield bigger rewards.

Which one would you choose?

Hypothetically speaking, of course, but it’s something we all deal with too often in our lives. We see two paths that our decisions could take (sometimes even more than two paths); to take that leap of faith and trust your gut to go with the “road less traveled” (oh, Frost)–often times it is well worth it.

I find myself dealing with these two paths a lot these days; to choose the easy way out, go on in life as it normally goes; or, I could shake things up, no matter how many naysayers I hear discouraging me.

To let fear hold me back–well, that’d just be silly, really. I realize that fear is all in the imagination, really. If I just get rid of the excuses and the paralyzing fear of failure or risk or whatnot–well, I find that I end up faring well in the end anyway.

life Life Decisions

Go with the flow.

It’s hard to realize it most of the time, but sometimes life throws things at me and I freak out. But, when I do freak out, I have to keep reminding myself that I just have to “go with the flow” and let things happen naturally.

There’s no use to try to fight what is happening before my eyes.

jobs life Life Decisions Work Diaries

Which path?

Which path is best for me?

Time spent inside an office toiling away with filing/typing/etc.


Time spent outside at a hot dog cart talking with people, enjoying the weather, etc.?

An office job generally pays more in terms of hourly rate, but I get pretty good tips at the hot dog cart, too.

Why does everyone keep on insisting that a “cushy” job is the way to go? Why is working at a hot dog stand so “unfavorable”?

I am stuck with looking at two paths that I am asked to choose between. Why do these things continually happen?

life Life Decisions reflection


I am beginning to feel restless again; getting back into the swing of things here has been easy, but I feel like I am missing something as well.

I don’t regret anything that has happened in the past year; despite the rollercoaster times, I feel that everything happens for a reason.

Still, I wonder now, should I move on and find another outlet to pursue?