Well, this is the last post of the series before my birthday tomorrow.
Over the course of January, I have shared with you a variety of life lessons and experiences I have had throughout my life. At times, I showed my raw emotion towards situations I was in; I let myself be vulnerable to you all to show you who I really am.
But, I also understand the concept of selective transparency: that even though I may have shared a lot during this month and through past and future blog posts on this site, I also know where to draw the line.
Since the advent of blogging and social media over the past fifteen years or so, we have been able to dive deeper into strangers’ lives through their own words. However, I have also seen some people out there who go WAY TOO DEEP with their emotions and storytelling: talking about very personal issues, or their sex lives, or what-have-you.
The Internet is a great place to let others get to know you, grow a fan base, etc. However, there is a point where we must all understand that too much information really is too much; honestly, I don’t want to see or read anything that’s too personal/borderlining voyeurism.
Hence why, even though I honor honesty in myself and in others, I believe in the air of a little mystery around myself and each individual out there. You get to know perhaps eighty-five percent of who I am, but respect the fact that I keep the other fifteen percent private for good reasons.
Thank you for joining me on my #30PostsBefore30 journey this month. Get ready for a new theme next month!