Ah, the proliferation of online learning for relatively low costs compared to taking classes in-person: technology has come a long way and I am thankful to live in this day and age. One thing I had noticed over the years though: with the availability of online courses, I was signing up for a lot of them (a lot of them free, some of them not but I could ‘keep the materials forever’) and not completing any of them. So I committed to my “30 Things to Do Before 30” list that I would finish an online course.
I had several platforms to choose from to finish a course: after all, I am registered at Udemy, Coursera, Skillshare, Craftsy, EdX, and probably a few other places. I decided I would go ahead and finish a class on Udemy though: I had paid for a social media class and thought that the class would help me with my career a bit.
Sadly, the class was pretty basic and did not teach me much. The videos had typos in its slides and the quizzes were way too easy; anybody could pass the quizzes, really. However, I slogged along with the class last year: it took me several months to complete the course since I could not stay focused on the videos for too long (the presenter was rather dry with his teaching).
In late November/early December of last year though, I finally completed the course. At the end, I received two certificates of completion: one from Udemy and one from the organization that provided the course through Udemy. Even though I didn’t learn as much as I had wanted to in the class, I was relieved that I at least finished the course.
I have several more classes in my queue that I can dive into next on my learning platforms, so I hope to complete some more classes this year.