My San Francisco Chronicles NaNoWriMo weather Work in Progress

NaNoWriMo: Day 7, a rainy day

I didn’t get much writing in until after midnight (again). Oops! But counting my total 1,703 words for Day 7 instead of Day 8. I think I will be writing more tomorrow, but we shall see. Total wordcount now is 11,918 words. I am tempted to look at last year’s (failed) NaNo novel and see where I stopped at. I just remember it was hard to spark up inspiration after some time. Plus, I remember last November was a lot busier than this year’s.

This week I have a lot of writing projects to do though. So, will need to be more careful with my time and not waste it on web surfing. Such a bad habit of mine! Must focus.

Today was an incredibly rainy day in San Francisco, but then the sun popped out near the end. My schedule was slightly mixed up with the hour setback. Longer nights are on the way…