NaNoWriMo Work in Progress

NaNoWriMo: Day 1

I was awake at the stroke of midnight to start typing away. I had a character and a fluid plot, so I just started typing. I was already up to 1,218 words by the time I went to bed around 1:30am.

I woke up, did a little more writing, and pretty much throughout the day I’ve been tuning into my novel and adding a little more each time. This year I’ll go for the “rewards system” where I will only need to write one word on November 30 to get to 50,000 words. But then again, I am also aiming for more than 50,000 words this year since I feel I need to challenge myself a bit more.

In terms of the Poem-A-Day Challenge: perhaps I will sit out from participating in that. I already feel like I will fare much better with winning NaNoWriMo this year if I just mainly focus on it.

It is quite lovely seeing #NaNoWriMo trending on Twitter. I love the atmosphere of support knowing that people from around the world are doing this same marathon with me.