
Lofty goals & lacking time management

Sweet on Yelp! Elite Event

Sitting here, post-painting. I’ve been doing this workshop by Connie Hozvicka called BIG. I just painted a not-so-distant memory and it has scared me. I need to take a moment to reflect.

I seem to go back-and-forth with good and “bad” time management. This whole month of February, I have been so caught up in everything that my time schedule has slid backwards. And so went the good habits of sleeping by 11pm, waking by 6am, having allotted times for homework, business planning, writing, painting, etc. … My “me” time has gone away.

Many times in the past month I have wondered if I really need this degree. I sit in my classes, unable to see why I came back to school. But then a moment of rationality/reason comes to me as I remind myself, “Don’t you want that foundation?”

I have lofty goals for myself. And I cannot be scared away just because of stress or time management skills slipping away.

Hell, I didn’t survive that car accident only to give up on my dreams.