Work Diaries Work in Progress

Daily Post Day 8: How I Stay Focused

(Ah-ha! Caught up now! I actually quite like these prompts from The Daily Post. At least they get me writing!)

I stay focused on tasks at hand (e.g., freelance writing, web design, writing letters, etc.) by removing myself from distractions (such as my laptop….). Usually, when I am drafting stories for my writing gigs, I take my AlphaSmart NEO to the dinner table and draft my story that way. If I sat at the computer doing that, I’d become too distracted with Twitter, email, etc. That’s the main reason why I bought the NEO in the first place — less distraction!

Now, when it comes to website editing, I close down all my Internet tabs (that are distracting) and set myself a time limit on web work. I can only stare so long at the computer screen after all…

With non-technological tasks, I just make sure I have some relaxing music playing in the background and I can focus pretty well on whatever I’m doing.

Since I’m on the topic of focus…today I finally had the chance to draft a new story series outline for my writing client. Thank goodness for my family and their movie suggestions! Have yet to crack open my novels-in-progress for writing, but 10K days are coming up. Also, shall have some write-ins soon. Must coordinate schedules!