I don’t particularly like the prompt for Daily Post Day 2. But as they state on the blog, the prompts are entirely optional.
It’s not that I don’t have someone in mind who needs more credit, but there are many names that run through my head when I think about “who needs more credit”.
At this time I would prefer not to name these people because this is more personal than I would feel comfortable stating on the Internet.
So there you have it, my response.
In other news–One Word, One Picture (OWOP) is starting out swell! Have had two participants come onboard, which may not sound like much to others, but it’s exciting for me. Also, Posterous makes it much easier to have others post with me on the same blog. I’ll need to figure out if I should keep each individual post as-is or consolidate each day’s pictures/words into one daily post. For now, I will just let the posts be. When more participants join on board, consolidated posts may be necessary (so not to flood RSS feeds/Twitter/inboxes), but right now I’m comfortable with the format.
One last thing: I am so grateful for the writing friends I have met in San Francisco. One friend has announced she will do JanNoWriMo, which is perfectly fine with me as that will motivate me to get back to working on my novels-in-progress. It’s always great to have a support network, especially in person when possible. Time for more write-ins when I return to the Bay on Wednesday!
(P.S., if you missed my tweet/Facebook blast re: my short story on Scribd, here’s the link: The Million-Dollar Rupee )