Internet NaNoWriMo the3six5 Work in Progress

NaNoWriMo Winner & Upcoming Projects

I didn’t think I could manage it, but I did: I finished my manuscript today at 8:09PM PST. I’m a NaNoWriMo winner for the third time! Three out of four years is a great accomplishment. I was more successful with completing the novel this year than last due to more community support (especially in real life). Also, doesn’t hurt to have some competitive spirit.

My opinion on my novel though? It thoroughly sucks. That’s the blunt truth, but I am thankful for having gone through this whole process this year. It taught me that, well, I have matured a lot since I first participated back in 2007, and perhaps I need to plan more for the coming years rather than just wing the plot.

I really cannot believe that the month of November went by so quickly though. For December, I would like to complete the manuscripts for two previous unfinished novels. Then, in 2011, focus on editing and revising all my novels.

All of these plans along with preparing for business school….yes, I am going to be quite busy. But I am enjoying every single moment of my life these days.

(P.S. the3six5 editor position for next December! Preparations are already starting with Skype meetings and such. Exciting!)

holiday NaNoWriMo Work in Progress

NaNoWriMo: Day 24 (and all the previous days)

Yikes–I realize I dropped off with my posts in the past week. And yes, no real excuses except the usual ones: time flew, had a lot of stuff to do IRL, etc. Yes, you have heard it all.

Today I participated in a 10K writing day thanks to the Fear of Writing blog. I only got to 7,380 words but that is still a huge accomplishment! I like that these 10K writing challenges occur every month and not just for November for NaNoWriMo; good to know so I can keep myself motivated throughout the year!

Lots of time spent at the gym lately and also just going out a lot. Went to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra this past Sunday. Loved listening to classical pieces played rock-style. Fun crowd, too!

My NaNoWriMo novel has gone the wayside…I’m up to 34,449 words as of tonight, but really, so much of it is nonsensical. Yes, I realize the Inner Editor is speaking. But I also just know that I need to plow through these last final days of November and get to the finish line so I can at least tell myself “Hey, I made it, no matter how crappy the draft is!”

Plus, it doesn’t hurt to get that certificate and winner’s t-shirt. Oh, and a 50% discount on Scrivener software. Yes, I am motivated by giveaways/bribes.

Well, guess it’s off to bed for Thanksgiving tomorrow!

Internet life NaNoWriMo Work in Progress

NaNoWriMo: Day 13

Yes, a few days are missing from my month-long blogging updates on NaNoWriMo. This past week brought about unexpected (yet good) changes…but also resulted in my not being able to add to my wordcount. Yikes!

Well, word sprints help, especially with a group. Even if the group is just online! Rebecca has been good at motivating people through her writing Page on Facebook. In the most recent word sprint (yesterday), I still eked out quite a bit of words in a 15-minute increment. I type way too fast.

So, today I will have to double post because I am applying to be an editor for the3six5 project in 2011. Stay tuned for my next post…

(P.S. Cumulative word count as of 6:59 PST: 16,442 words)

friends NaNoWriMo Work in Progress

NaNoWriMo: Day 8, Word War 1

Tonight, I had a Word War with my friend Rebecca who is also participating in NaNoWriMo. I had already written for 10 minutes solo beforehand, but I decided it would be fun to “compete” a bit.

I type too fast though–beat Rebecca by 1,000 words. Oops! I went off into a strange tangent at the end of the word war, too, so that sneaky Inner Editor is trying to whisper in my ear “Delete!” But I know to just keep moving forward.

Total word count as of right now (I don’t know if I will write more later tonight since I still need to work on my other projects): 14,021 words. Keep on going!

My San Francisco Chronicles NaNoWriMo weather Work in Progress

NaNoWriMo: Day 7, a rainy day

I didn’t get much writing in until after midnight (again). Oops! But counting my total 1,703 words for Day 7 instead of Day 8. I think I will be writing more tomorrow, but we shall see. Total wordcount now is 11,918 words. I am tempted to look at last year’s (failed) NaNo novel and see where I stopped at. I just remember it was hard to spark up inspiration after some time. Plus, I remember last November was a lot busier than this year’s.

This week I have a lot of writing projects to do though. So, will need to be more careful with my time and not waste it on web surfing. Such a bad habit of mine! Must focus.

Today was an incredibly rainy day in San Francisco, but then the sun popped out near the end. My schedule was slightly mixed up with the hour setback. Longer nights are on the way…