I’ve been busy getting free books for my Kindle and transferring PDFs over to it; now, I have quite a few books/articles loaded onto the device and am reading a few titles all at the same time. Of course, this makes me move through the books a lot slower than if I read them one-by-one.
To top that off, I’m also reading one REAL book (as in, not on Kindle, a hardcover).
Currently reading:
- The 4-Hour Workweek, by Tim Ferriss
- Not Quite Adults, by Richard Settersten
- MBA Fundamentals: Accounting & Finance, by Michael P. Griffin
- The Complete User’s Guide to Kindle 2, by Stephen Windwalker
- Never Eat Alone, by Keith Ferrazzi (this is the real book, hardcover)
Hmm, seems I like to read nonfiction these days. Plus, I’m doing some pre-IMBA prep by reading these books listed above (well, aside from the Kindle guide and Not Quite Adults). There are many more books to add to my pre-IMBA prep…but I’ll need to get through the aforementioned books first.
So, what are you reading these days?