
Daily Post Day 66: Slang I Loathe

Slang: I don’t really think much about it. These days, so much slang I grew up with is now commonplace. Dude, ain’t it for real.


I can tell you which slang words I do not like though. One of my biggest pet peeves is reading the word “FAIL” as a noun: “That is a total fail.” Or “They have major FAIL written all over their sign!”


It sounds so wrong. It grates my nerves especially when I read the word in a respected media outlet. I once had a debate with a friend about why or why not the usage should be considered “correct English” since so many people use it. “But I don’t like it!” I remember telling her. “But, if so many people use it, shouldn’t it be correct?”

Sigh. I give up.

I also feel irritated when I see people use the word “bestie”. It has the same number of syllables as “best friend”! Why use such an unnecessary shorthand.

Sigh. But of course, since these have become so commonplace, shouldn’t they be accepted then?

feelings My San Francisco Chronicles rant

Daily Post Day 29: Ranting Session

What’s driving me crazy these days?

That’s easy to answer: a lot of change going on! And the fact that even though I am physically removed from a place I used to love, I must still read about how “in love” my peers are with that city.

I’ll just go ahead and say the name: San Francisco. I used to be really enamored with the city, feeling my heart fill with joy every time I saw its landmarks in magazines/pictures/etc. I remember crossing the Bay Bridge into San Francisco and feeling happy seeing the cityscape.

Somewhere in the past three and a half years, I fell out of love with San Francisco. I thought I could hold on just a little bit longer because of my loved ones who reside there, but I just couldn’t do it anymore.

I can’t dislike anyone who continues to harp about the greatness of San Francisco. After all, everyone has different experiences wherever they go. I just know, for myself, I have had some traumatic times in San Francisco in only the past year.

I know, people say to persevere. And I am…but I know that right now, San Francisco is not the place for me to be.

editing goals rant

More on Goals & Editing Pet Peeves

May is just around the corner, which causes for me to feel anxious about re-evaluating my time and my goals. I’ve probably been in this steady state of doing little-to-no writing because I haven’t been focusing on concrete goals lately. Instead of saying “I will write for xx minutes today,” I’ve just been thinking “I need to write, period.”

It’s not much of a motivation booster if you ask me. All those goal-setting worksheets, articles, etc. that I’ve read/worked on over the years have always said, “Make your goals concrete and realistic.” I thought maybe the Poem-A-Day Challenge would kick me up from my writing rut a bit, but I’ve fallen behind on the challenge a lot this month. Perhaps it’s a sign that I’m not quite as interested in poetry as I’d like to be.

On another note, lately I’ve noticed that one of my big writing/reading pet peeves is when supposed professionals make bad typos/grammar mistakes. It happens to the best of us, but where was the editor or peer before the article/writing went out? I find that when I edit others’ works, sometimes I’ll notice the grammar/spelling mistakes more than the actual writing itself. It bothers me that much–I remember reading a paper in college for peer review and I felt in true disbelief about how my colleague was able to even gain admission into college. Really, the paper was poorly written–a lot of run-on sentences, grammatical errors, etc.–I felt bad when I gave the paper back to my peer because it had all red marks over it.

Meanwhile, this leads into another pet peeve of mine: when I ask for constructive criticism from others, but they simply return my draft back saying “Wow, really good” or “Nothing needs to be changed” or something else along those lines. Often times, these people might just be too lazy to say much or really put effort into the editing process; other times, they might be so clouded in judgment (and maybe automatically put a halo over my work) that they tend to not see the loopholes I’ve left in my draft. The most helpful writing advice often borders harsh, yet has enough evidence to back up the criticism. I’d rather someone tell me what I need to work on more than to tell me that I don’t need to change anything anymore. I know I’m not a perfect writer, and, in general, everyone always has something they can improve upon.

Busride Observations observation rant transportation

To the woman on the bus, talking loudly on her cell phone–

I don’t understand why people feel the need to talk on their cell phones on the bus.

Look, I don’t care that your cats have fleas or that you’re wanting a job at some radio station but they can’t offer it to you–do you think other people on the bus care? No, they could care less.

Please save your private conversations for home. Crowded public transportation is not the place to be talking about some things.

That’s my rant for the day.

American Culture Busride Observations observation rant transportation

Is it hard to show courtesy to others these days?

It seems like, every time I am on the bus and it becomes crowded, I notice this one thing: everyone expects for someone else to do what they’re told to do, rather than being initiators and following suit with orders. Recently, the buses have been installed with “new” bus announcements, telling people to “move to the back of the bus for others’ convenience” and also to “clear the front seats for seniors and disabled persons”. I know the bus drivers are able to press these buttons when they need to, because I hear these announcements only when the situations arise.

And unfortunately, nobody else seems to pay attention to them. People stand in the doorways, in the front of the bus, trying to ignore the announcements about moving to the rear of the bus so others could board. Is it so hard to show courtesy? Does it make THAT much of a difference of where you are standing?

It’s annoying for me to watch while I am seated; whenever I do end up being one of the people standing up, I do try my best to move to the back of the bus, even if it’s not entirely necessary. There’s no point in bunching up at the front when it’s inevitable that the bus would get crowded. But it seems like rarely anyone thinks the same way as I do about this. I’m not saying that I’m the only one who pays attention, but, really, if you could observe the situation on the bus, you would notice that rarely anyone actually does what they’re supposed to do–because they expect for someone else to do it.

I’ve seen people trying to gently nudge their neighbor to move to the back of the bus, but the neighbor just stands stubbornly, hanging onto “their” spot. It’s really unnecessary, and it’s no wonder that the bus drivers feel so frustrated sometimes.

To add on, when it comes to the front seats being reserved for elderly and disabled, it truly angers me to see young people sitting there when there are obviously others who need the seats more. In turn, these young people won’t move unless they’re forced to, even with the bus announcement blaring off. I don’t feel sorry for these young people when an elderly citizen yells at them to move, because I feel they have the right to do so–young people should give up their seats for the elderly, since young people are very capable of standing up and using their leg muscles.

Granted, there are some senior citizens who refuse to go with that title of “elderly”, who refuse to admit that they are “old” and need the front seats. Those are far and few though–most of the time I do see any elderly person, no matter how fit they look, take the front seats when available. They’ve lived long lives, so they deserve to sit where they are given the priviledge.

In the end, people are just selfish.