
The Sleepy Lagoon

Oh, where has the year gone? It’s already June and my last update was on Pi Day (03/14). What to say after being away for several months?

Well, time always shows that changes are inevitable. My point in life right now is so different from my previous post that I am still taking time to fathom all that has happened.

I made a big life decision last week. And right now I am in limbo between happiness (that I am following my calling) and panic (oh snap, need to get health insurance and other matters taken care of…eep!).

But, I am content with my decision. I’ve talked with a few close friends about this and they are 100% behind me. They said I may experience regret. So far only inklings leak into my mind.

Many times, life is very hard to explain. Things just kind of fall into my lap and then I wonder, “Now what?”

More updates coming in the next week. Lots of things happening for me in Denver now.