The past week or so have been jam-packed: been out almost every night doing some form of exercise, socializing, etc.
Last weekend, I celebrated with great Denver friends for my being in Denver for one year. Yesterday, August 2, was the actual day I landed in Denver last year; can’t believe it’s been one year already.
You may wonder why it’s such a big deal for me. Well, unlike my first year in San Francisco (2007-2008), I experienced a few low points in the past year; points where I nearly didn’t survive to the next day. But, I persevered, and I have survived many traumatic instances since.
Also, looking back at how I was last August compared to now: wow, I am not the same person anymore. Something broke inside of me last autumn, when things shifted so much during my first term at graduate school that…well, I ended 2011 as a completely different person than when I started that year.
And 2012 has proven to be just as much of a year of major change. Only in the past couple months (the summer, really), have I made big decisions impacting my life, both personal and professional.
Every day, since being here in Denver, I see why I was brought here. I see why my heart was shattered by San Francisco and renewed here in the Mile-High City. I can see myself settling down here, spending many more years (and having many more anniversary parties for my move to Denver).
Here’s to a Friday night and many more years to come here in Denver.