I forget the exact date I moved to Denver in 2011, but I’m celebrating my four years here in Denver this whole week.
Yay! Four years of Denver for me!
I feel like my life so far has gone through 4-year cycles: yes, I went through four years of high school and four years of college. But then I spent *nearly* four years in San Francisco: I moved to San Francisco on June 15, 2007, and almost made it to my fourth anniversary in San Francisco, if it hadn’t been for my meltdown in late January of 2011, which caused for me to move out of San Francisco on January 30th, 2011.
And now, four years in Denver.

What next?
Well, I don’t currently plan on leaving Denver anytime soon. There was a brief period of time where I fancied moving to New York City, but that feeling has subsided (well, at least for now).
The past four years in Denver have certainly been an adventure, and I believe the next four years will be even more adventurous.
Just a brief summary of what all has happened to me in Denver since 2011:
- Started and stopped my MBA studies
- Started three companies: closed down two and going strong with the third one!
- Ended an abusive relationship
- Began a nurturing, more fulfilling relationship
- Spoke at three Ignite Denver shows
- Rescued three cats (#crazycatlady)
- Became more extroverted through networking, Leads Group 7, and social media
- Met some of the most wonderful people in the world
- And so much more…

Here’s to the next four years….!