Year in Review

End of 2007.

So, only a few more hours left until 2007 is out, and 2008 is in–and my oh my, it’s been quite a year.

I feel like I say that at the end of every year, but hell, a lot does happen in one year, regardless.

Definitely a lot of changes happened over the course of the year–a lot of good and bad. Births, deaths, marriages, graduations, etc. Life has been interesting.

And now, to look forward towards 2008–I sense it’ll be another big year in many years. Apparently the economy is kind of in a recession (well, with subprime rates and all), so…we’ll see how the job search goes for this next year. Hoping to do more traveling this year, especially back to Japan–we’ll see how everything pans out.

I kind of wish some money would fall out of the sky right now.

Oh, so tomorrow, 1/1/08, begins my Blog 365 journey. I’ll be blogging for 365 (+1 day, Leap Year!) days this whole year. Be prepared for many entries of random babble. I promise to keep you entertained though.

Good evening to everyone and hope you aren’t partying too hard.