Japan life reflection travel

Night before departure.

Sitting here, wondering about what is about to unfold for me over the next three weeks. It has been two years since I have traveled abroad; it has been two years, and a lot has happened since then.

When I booked this trip back in January, I had the intentions of only going back as a vacation. But, with my unemployment status looming large in my window, I became depressed, and soon changed the goals for this trip to become one for me to seek out work there.

Now, I don’t know what will happen. Things happen the way they do, and sometimes situations cannot be explained until much later. All I can do right now is hope that I leap forward and fall somewhere safely.

life time


Time has passed by rather quickly, but I guess it only feels that way. Time is always constant; it’s what happens to each one of us that causes for time to feel like it’s going by slowly or quickly.

I know I have a tendency to say this (and maybe it’s pretty cliche as well), but time goes by so quickly yet so slowly. Today I just realized that February is already drawing to a close; but, when thinking back on what happened at the start of the month, I feel like way too much time has passed since then (meaning, it feels like it was so long ago).

This next month already feels like it will fly by; soon it will be summer again and 2008 will be on its way out the door, too.

life quotation

The Dilemma.

Seems like with a job hunt going all over the place, these two problems come up: either I am under-qualified or I am over-qualified. Where’s the happy medium?

There isn’t much to say for today.

Edit (21:01): Found this quotation by Mark Twain:

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

change life

Paths in life.

There isn’t much to say for today. Just lately I have been wondering about what is in store for me. Most people leave school and believe that after college there is a set path for them. But of course, in reality, that is rarely the case. Most end up going into professions completely un-related to what they earned their degree in. That’s just how life goes.

Unfortunately I have been thinking about embarking on that set path, and over the past few months, I realize that maybe that’s just not the right mindset. I should be open to other fields, other areas…and just go with the flow. It’s hard to say what is best for me, though. So many paths lie ahead in me and I feel I can only choose one. Will these paths one day converge into one somehow? I guess only time will really tell.

Birthday Memories life

Birthday After-Thoughts.

It’s funny how life turns out, even after a few days. People you thought who were lost causes long ago come back around, and then people you would have expected to remember your special day end up forgetting. Life has been strange yet entertaining. I never want this feeling to end.

Now, onward to another year in life.