#amreading Slice of Life

Bookstores are deadly…

I found myself perusing through a lot of bookshelves today at Borders after my dentist appointment. What started out as a simple browse through the Local Interest section ended up being an hour of looking through all the new releases (nonfiction and fiction), swimming around the bargain books and then skimming in the Self Help, Business, Small Business/Entrepreneur bookshelves. I could have spent much more time at Borders today, but I was beginning to feel overwhelmed with all of the book titles and how they all tempted me to buy them.

But alas, I held off on my purchases and instead have looked up some of the books at the Public Library website so I can check the books out in my own time later. I have to save money still, since I am currently still job searching.

In other news, in case you missed my previous entry (since I just now backdated it): Check out my friend’s work— I promise you will not regret it.